Sunday, August 8, 2010


So our weekend shoots were awesome. Friday night was a little bit of a struggle, but we captured a beast of a scene, and from what I heard from my director, it looks fantastic from the footage they captured on their computers. Tonight didn't go so well, because a magic hail and thunder storm decided to come in and take control, so we're planning for another night to shoot, but oh well because we got lots of bonding time together :) shooting some studio scenes tomorrow in the afternoon, and just a chill day.

xx Mackie

Friday, August 6, 2010

"Hey, we should play Spotlight!"

It's like 1 AM, and I know to some of you that may not be "that late", but it's definitely one of the early hours of the morning. I am watching Jimmy Fallon, and preparing to stay up until at least 3 or 4 AM in preparation to become nocturnal for the weekend while I work on a new film called Spotlight under the two awesome brothers of Knifeblock Productions. We'll be filming on Friday and Saturday from 6 PM to "until the sun comes up", so definitely a good twelve hours. I will be sleeping in somewhat late tomorrow so that I can attempt my first all-nighter as a Script Supervisor. Very excited :) loooooads of coffee for me haha!



Monday, July 26, 2010

Where did I go?

Where did I go? I honestly have no idea. I guess I just lost track of time, but here I am...still alive...kind of back in action. A lot has changed since 2009. I graduated high school over a month ago, I've been involved in a short film with the amazing people over at Nevada Casting called "Fool's Paradise", and start on another film with them on Saturday that finishes the day before I leave to move to college where I will study film and be the representative for Nevada Casting down there.

Life is good. God has blessed me. Can't be thankful enough for all the people along the way. More blogs soon? Hopefully. New videos? Of course.

xx Mackie

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


And whilst I'm supposed to be writing a script for my Hamlet movie, I sit here writing a blog instead. I always feel the need to blog more, to tell people my story when I'm the only one reading. I guess I just write for comfort and so I can glance back and keep record of what I say. I guess I'll talk about 2009...

2009 was an amazing year for me. I figured out my passion for film, and how I want to do it the rest of my life. I filmed a lot of concerts, made a lot of friends, and a lot of enemies. I went to Los Angeles for the movie premiere of 17 Again and met so many cool people. I also went to Columbia College of Hollywood in July and made some lasting friendships. I turned the monumental eighteen in November, celebrating by being both a stage manager for Loves Labours Wonne and being in Disneyland. I went to Denver for Thanksgiving with my family and saw a G-Men vs. Broncos game, ending in defeat :( 2009 has been extraordinary in all measures. Not everyone is as blessed as me and every day I'm thankful. I pray 2010 brings even more blessings. :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

The dream maker's gonna make you mad.

It's been almost a month since I have written a blog, and that truly makes me sad. School has been great, and I am loving my senior year so far. Homecoming is next week, so I'm stoked :) Our play for the fall in drama is "Loves Labours Wonne". I am SO excited :D

I'm leaving on an off note, but bye!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

You're a hot mess, I'm lovin' it, hell yes!

So my last few days have been just fine. Nothing to complain about, and I'm ready for something new. I may be the only one, but I love that school is starting again. I feel like I can accomplish something by going to school every day and just doing well. Maybe that just says something about my generation's appreciation for education (hey, that kinda rhymed, haha), but I do love knowledge. We can take everything for granted SO easily, and that's why I always say my prayers at night. :) I know I don't always love going to school, but I am definitely prepared this year!

Anyways, I'm stoked for this school year. Finally a senior, and my high school is THE best. Can't beat the Huskies, hands down. Tradition is everything at my school and I love it. Anyways, one day of summer left and I'm spending it at church tomorrow and with my grandpa watching the film I directed in the summer.

Later, kids!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I know that no one reads this besides myself for now, but that's okay. I have something to look back at when I'm feeling...I don't know.

Something not to do with film - I start school on Monday the 31st - my last first day of high school. I absolutely adore my high school, but I know that when I graduate in June, that it's time to move on, and I guess I'm ready. I'm pretty stoked actually :) Anyways, I have a barbecue for my AP Government/Political debate class today, and I am really nervous. I only know a few people in the class, but that's okay.

Something to do with film - I haven't announced this anywhere else yet, but I have decided to stop my DVD production of "Meet Weston Buck;" I don't feel like it will go anywhere, and it is just a waste of my time to continue it when the person I'm making it for barely cares about it. I'm not trying to sound rude, I just don't think it will go anywhere or have any value to me. I also haven't talked to Weston in a while, so I don't think I should continue it.

And without leaving on a bitter note, have a nice day :D